Design, construction and evaluation of five LID practices in North Central Texas
Conference Paper
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A bioretention area, a detention pond, green roofs, permeable pavements, and rainwater harvesting systems were designed, constructed and are being evaluated for stormwater management in clay soils of North Central Texas. The practices are built on the campus of the Dallas Research and Extension Center (REC) of the Texas A&M System to serve as a Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) as well as a demonstration. The green roofs, permeable pavements and rainwater harvesting systems include a monitored controlled experiment and a larger area to reduce runoff volume and pollution for the REC. The detention pond and the bioretention area integrate the experimental and SCM components. The permeable pavement experiment compares 5 types of material (porous concrete, porous asphalt, interlocking permeable concrete pavement blocks, grassed pavement, and impermeable concrete for control). The green roof experiment compares for types of growing media systems. The rainwater harvesting systems experiment compares four types of irrigation systems. Runoff volume, common nutrients, total suspended solids, e. coli and chlordane will be analyzed in the stormwater samples. Design, construction and preliminary results of the evaluation will be presented in this paper.