publication venue for
- Analysis of mobility impact on interference for short-range cognitive radio networks 2012
- Experimental analysis of energy detection for digitally modulated signals: Indoor measurements 2012
- Gene regulatory network inference using information theoretic methods 2012
- Human centric system for oil and gas quality and pipeline infrastructure monitoring in Qatar 2012
- Inferring nonlinear and sparse gene regulatory networks 2012
- Optimal reference selection for genome assembly using the minimum description length principle 2012
- Performance of digitally modulated RFID energy detector for moisture sensing applications for oil and gas quality monitoring in Qatar 2012
- Development of a Telerobotic System to Assist the Physically Challenged Using Non-Contact Vision-Based Sensing and Command. cso7-CSO7. 2011
- Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Over Co/Al 2 O 3 Catalyst-Effect of Pretreatment Procedures. egp21-EGP21. 2011
- A Case Study of CO 2 Sequestration Potential of a Saline Aquifer in Qatar. evp18-EVP18. 2011
- Complex Flow and Composition Path in CO 2 Injection Schemes from Density Effects. egp23-EGP23. 2011
- Design and analysis of new generation protocols for triple-play networks. cso4-CSO4. 2010
- Development and control of homogenous charge compression ignition engines: a preliminary study. eeps2-EEPS2. 2010
- Gas-to-Liquids Research at Texas A&M University at Qatar. eeo2-EEO2. 2010
- Optimal resource allocation for relay-assisted wireless communication systems. eep12-EEP12. 2010
- Qloud: a cloud computing infrastructure for scientific applications. cso5-CSO5. 2010
- Development of an optimal data reduction scheme fora four-wire hot-wire probe. csp9-CSP9. 2010
- Effect of non-uniform, out-of-plane illumination, shear rate andparticle distribution on the accuracy of nPIV velocity measurement. csp5-CSP5. 2010
- Effects of GTL fuels on aircraft gas turbine altitude ignition combustor operability. eep16-EEP16. 2010
- GTL fuels and their effects on aircraft aas turbine altitude ignition detailed diagnostics. eeo3-EEO3. 2010
- Nanoscale Brownian motion-based thermometry in near wall region. csp13-CSP13. 2010
- Study of interrelationship between atmospheric turbulence with oceanic wave motions. eep7-EEP7. 2010
- What do drill strings and surgical threads have in common?. cso7-CSO7. 2010
- Performance analysis of cognitive radio multiple-access channels over dynamic fading environments