publication venue for
- The future of water in a desert river basin facing climate change and competing demands: A holistic approach to water sustainability in arid and semi-arid regions. 46:101336-101336. 2023
- Continental-scale spatiotemporal calibration of the Blaney-Criddle equation for different climate zones in China. 44:101233-101233. 2022
- Flood disaster risk and socioeconomy in the Yellow River Basin, China. 44:101272-101272. 2022
- Meteorological and hydrological drought hazard, frequency and propagation analysis: A case study in southeast Australia. 44:101229-101229. 2022
- Appraising standardized moisture anomaly index (SZI) in drought projection across China under CMIP6 forcing scenarios. 37:100898-100898. 2021
- Environmental flow sustainability in the Lower Limpopo River Basin, Mozambique. 36:100843-100843. 2021
- Evaluation of precipitation elasticity using precipitation data from ground and satellite-based estimates and watershed modeling in Western Nepal. 33:100768-100768. 2021
- Evaluation of policy scenarios for water resources planning and management in an arid region. 32:100758-100758. 2020
- Assessing aquifer storage and recovery feasibility in the Gulf Coastal Plains of Texas. 14:92-108. 2017
- Analysis of rainfall extremes and water yield of Krishna river basin under future climate scenarios. 19:287-306.
- Characterization of groundwater variability using hydrological, geological, and climatic factors in data-scarce tropical savanna region of India. 37:100887-100887.
- Dividends in flow prediction improvement using high-resolution soil database. 21:159-175.
- Hydrological modeling and scenario analysis for water supply and water demand assessment of Addis Ababa city, Ethiopia. 46:101341-101341.
- Impacts of swat weather generator statistics from high-resolution datasets on monthly streamflow simulation over Peninsular Spain. 35:100826-100826.
- Modifying the water table fluctuation method for calculating recharge in sloping aquifers. 46:101325-101325.
- Regional scale hydrologic modeling for prediction of water balance, analysis of trends in streamflow and variations in streamflow: The case study of the Ganga River basin. 16:32-53.