Experimental investigation of low blow ratio blended missile body supersonic jet interaction flowfields
Conference Paper
An experimental investigation of the flowfields created by injecting normal to a blended missile fuselage at low blowing ratios into a Mach 3.0 (Re/m = 5.5xl06) freestream was performed. These experiments were performed to document the flow dynamics at low blowing ratios with the goal of understanding observed force reversal created by the jet interaction. The injector flow conditions tested were: Injection Mach number 1-3, pressure ratio 1-20, temperature ratio 0.7-2.33, the ratio of specific heats 1.4-1.67, and jet momentum ratio parameter 0.003-0.1. The experimental methods include particle image velocimetry (PIV), surface oil flow visualization, 5-hole pitot/cone-static pressure probe, and pressure sensitive paint (PSP). The measurements include surface oil flow visualizations, mean Mach number contours, mean pressure contours, mapping of two dimensional planar velocity vectors, and surface pressure distribution. The data summarized in this paper provide a complete characterization of the mean flow-properties, as well as the jet plume surface interaction topologies.