Characterization of the flow structure in the vicinity of a wrap-around fin at supersonic speeds Conference Paper uri icon


  • 1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Supersonic flow around a wrap-around fin (WAF) configuration is investigated both numerically and experimentally (M=2.9, Re/m=17x106). Numerical and experimental results are compared and contrasted with the objective of quantifying the flow structure in the region near the fin/body juncture of a WAF configuration. Measured data is obtained in the AFIT Mach 2.9 wind tunnel on a ceilingmounted semi-cylindrical model possessing a single wraparound fin. Measurements are taken with cone-static and Pitot pressure probes, as well as cross-film probes. Shadowgraph and schlieren photography also contribute to flow visualization. Results are compared with inviscid numerical solutions obtained using the General Aerodynamic Simulation Program (GASP).

published proceedings

  • 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit

author list (cited authors)

  • Tilmann, C. P., Huffman, R. E., Buter, T. A., & Bowersox, R.

complete list of authors

  • Tilmann, CP||Huffman, RE||Buter, TA||Bowersox, RDW

publication date

  • January 1996