Turbulence and meanflow measurements downstream of a two-dimensional supersonic normal injection into a supersonic freestream
Conference Paper
1998 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Turbulence and meanflow measurements were acquired downstream of a normal, supersonic (Mach 1.6), two-dimensional, slot injection into Mach 2.9 flow (Re/m = 16x106). An adiabatic and two non-adiabatic cases (Tti/Tt. = 1.11 and Tti/Tt = 0.93) were studied. Multiple-overheat crossfilm anemometry and conventional meanflow probes, as well as instantaneous schlieren photography, were utilized to study the turbulent mixing layer. The meanflow data included the Pitot, cone-static, and Mach number profiles. The measured turbulence data included Reynolds shear stresses and turbulence intensities (mass flux and total temperature). The flow visualizations highlighted the physical phenomena of the flow as well as the associated turbulent structure that existed in the mixing layer. The injection temperature was found to have a strong impact on the near wall (the bottom half of the mixing layer relative to the wall) mean and turbulent flow properties. For example, the turbulent shear stress levels differed by as much as 200%. In addition, the shear stress profile shapes where significantly altered by the injection temperature.