Optimizing scramjet fuel injection array design
Conference Paper
1999, 35th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit. All rights reserved. The analysis of fuel-air mixing in a scramjet is often accomplished either with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) algorithms or through experimental research. These approaches, while accurate and reliable, are extremely expensive and thus not well-suited for use with conventional design optimization methods. In this investigation, JETPEN is used to significantly reduce the number of complex, expensive analyses required to optimize the design of a scramjet fuel injection array. A design problem formulation for a lateral transverse injection array is developed and a design optimization is conducted In two stages. Initially, a parametric analysis is conducted to explore the design region; next an optimal design is found using both Sequential Quadratic Programming and a Genetic Algorithm. It is shown that a micro-Genetic Algorithm locates a near-optimal design in only 159 function evaluations.