Skin friction correlations for high enthalpy flows
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1998, by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All Rights Reserved. Most skin friction correlations for compressible flow with a turbulent boundary layer were developed using perfect gas assumptions that are not valid for the high enthalpy conditions characteristic of hypersonic flight. Because these correlations have proven accurate for lower speed flows, an analysis was carried out to adapt the common skin friction correlations to high enthalpy conditions. The analyses originally conducted by Van Driest, Spalding and Chi, and White and Christoph were re-accomplished using equilibrium high temperature thermochemistry in place of the original perfect gas relations. Revised correlations were then developed to include the effects of high temperature. Experimental data were used to assess the accuracy of the high enthalpy correlations. The experimental part of the investigation was performed in the NASA Ames 16-inch shock tunnel and the Air Force Wright Laboratory's Mach 6 wind tunnel. The wall shear stress was measured with an experimental high frequency skin friction gauge. The measurements were undertaken with a cold wall. Comparison between the measured skin friction and the skin friction correlations showed that the Spalding and Chi correlation most accurately matched the measured conditions. Other researchers have previously found this to be true for lower speed flows with a cold wall.