Global Sensitivity Analysis Challenges in Biological Systems Modeling uri icon


  • Mammalian cell culture systems produce high-value biologics, such as monoclonal antibodies, which are increasingly being used clinically. A complete framework that interlinks model-based design of experiments (DOE) and model-based control and optimization to the actual industrial bioprocess could assist experimentation, hence reducing costs. However, high fidelity models have the inherent characteristic of containing a large number of parameters, which is further complicated by limitations in the current analytical techniques, thus resulting in the experimental validation of merely a small number of parameters. Sensitivity analysis techniques can provide valuable insight into model characteristics. Traditionally, the application of sensitivity analysis on models of biological systems has been treated more or less as a black box operation. In the present work, we elucidate the aspects of sensitivity analysis and identify, with reasoning, the most suitable group of sensitivity analysis methods for application to highly nonlinear dynamic models in the context of biological systems. Specifically, we perform computational experiments on antibody-producing mammalian cell culture models of different complexities and identify, as well as address, problems associated with such "real life" models. In conclusion, a novel global screening method (derivative based global sensitivity measures, DGSM) is proven to be the most time-efficient and robust alternative to the established variance-based Monte Carlo methods. 2009 American Chemical Society.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Kiparissides, A., Kucherenko, S. S., Mantalaris, A., & Pistikopoulos, E. N.

citation count

  • 115

publication date

  • August 2009