The long-range atmospheric transport of natural and contaminant substances. Proceedings of a NATO advanced research workshop, St. Georges, January, 1988 uri icon


  • For substances with an atmospheric residence time of several days to a few years, the large-scale meteorological regime exerts a major influence on the distribution and removal of the substance. This volume concentrates on the long-range transport from continent to ocean, and vice-versa. Chapters cover: large-scale meteorological regimes and transport processes, trace elements, African and Asian sources of mineral-aerosol, inter-continental transport of sulphur and nitrogen, organic compounds, Arctic air pollution, Chernobyl radioactivity, volcanic activity and future research recommendations. -J.F.Austin

published proceedings

  • The long-range atmospheric transport of natural and contaminant substances. Proceedings of a NATO advanced research workshop, St. Georges, January, 1988

author list (cited authors)

  • Knap, A. H.

complete list of authors

  • Knap, AH

publication date

  • December 1989