publication venue for
- Optimal Linear Attitude Estimator for Alignment of Point Clouds 2018
- Uncertainty Quantification of Lucas Kanade Feature Track and Application to Visual Odometry 2017
- Gestural Hand Motion Oscillation and Symmetries for Multimodal Discourse: Detection and Analysis**This research has been supported by the U.S. NSF STIMULATE program (IRI-9618887), Gesture, Speech, and Gaze in Discourse Segmentation, the NSF KDI program (BCS-9980054), Cross-Modal Analysis of Signal Sense: Multimedia Corpora and Tools for Gesture, Speech, and Gaze Research, and the NSF ITR program (ITR-0219875), Beyond the Talking Head and Animated Icon: Behaviorally Situated Avatars for Tutoring. The Authors also thank Travis Rose for editing help 2003
- Image Based Hand Tracking via Interacting Multiple Model and Probabilistic Data Association (IMM-PDA) Algorithm 2003