publication venue for
- Divergent predator activity muddies the dynamic landscape of fear. 13. 2022
- The North American tree-ring fire-scar network. 13. 2022
- Vertebrate and invertebrate competition for carrion in human-impacted environments depends on abiotic factors. 13. 2022
- Can prescribed fires restore C 4 grasslands invaded by a C 3 woody species and a co‐dominant C 3 grass species?. 12. 2021
- Importance of low-relief nursery habitat for reef fishes. 12. 2021
- Allelopathy and micropredation paradigms reconcile with system stoichiometry. 12. 2021
- Diet sources of the endangered Attwater's prairie-chicken in Texas: evidence from delta C-13, delta N-15, and Bayesian mixing models. 11. 2020
- Potential natural vegetation and NPP responses to future climates in the US Great Plains. 11. 2020
- Individual heterogeneity in resource selection has implications for mortality risk in white-tailed deer. 11. 2020
- Seascape connectivity and the influence of predation risk on the movement of fishes inhabiting a back-reef ecosystem. 9. 2018
- Prior predation alters community resistance to an extreme climate disturbance. 8. 2017
- Seed dispersal at alpine treeline: an assessment of seed movement within the alpine treeline ecotone. 8. 2017
- Beyond bivariate correlations: three-block partial least squares illustrated with vegetation, soil, and topography. 6:1-32. 2015
- Effects of large-scale gold mining on migratory behavior of a large herbivore. 6:1-18. 2015
- Ice storms generate spatially heterogeneous damage patterns at the watershed scale in forested landscapes. 5:1-14. 2014
- Delayed insect access alters carrion decomposition and necrophagous insect community assembly. 5:1-21. 2014
- Using LiDAR-derived vegetation metrics for high-resolution, species distribution models for conservation planning. 4:1-18. 2013
- Temporal and hierarchical spatial components of animal occurrence: conserving seasonal habitat for greater sage-grouse. 3:1-17. 2012
- 15N isoscapes in a subtropical savanna parkland: spatial-temporal perspectives. 4:1-17.
- Buried hurricane legacies: increased nutrient limitation and decreased root biomass in coastal wetlands. 12.
- Characteristics of the natural flow regime paradigm explain occurrence of imperiled Great Plains fishes. 12.
- Coastal carbon processing rates increase with mangrove cover following a hurricane in Texas, USA. 13.
- Coastal woody encroachment reduces food quality for basal consumers. 12.
- Commonalities in stream connectivity restoration alternatives: an attempt to simplify barrier removal optimization. 10.
- Disassembly of a dune-dwelling lizard community due to landscape fragmentation. 4:1-15.
- Effects of habitat fragmentation on population structure of dune-dwelling lizards. 8.
- Grazing regime alters plant community structure via patch-scale diversity in semiarid grasslands. 12.
- Life-history traits and temporal patterns in the incidence of coastal fishes experiencing tropicalization. 13.
- Livestock tracks transform resource distribution on terracette landscapes of the Loess Plateau. 7.
- Mesopredators have differing influences on prey habitat use and diel activity in a multipredator landscape. 15.
- Mineral constraints on arctic caribou (Rangifer tarandus): a spatial and phenological perspective. 9.
- NDVI exhibits mixed success in predicting spatiotemporal variation in caribou summer forage quality and quantity. 9.
- Quantitative models of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) ticks: historical review and synthesis. 8.
- Season of prescribed fire determines grassland restoration outcomes after fire exclusion and overgrazing. 12.
- The nitrogen window for arctic herbivores: plant phenology and protein gain of migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus). 9.
- Thermal biology and growth of bison (Bison bison) along the Great Plains: examining four theories of endotherm body size. 11.