Sensory and physiochemical characteristics of frankfurters formulated with potassium lactate and sodium diacetate before and after irradiation. uri icon


  • Quality attributes were evaluated for irradiated (0, 1.8, or 2.6 kGy) frankfurters formulated with 0% or 3% potassium lactate/sodium diacetate solution and stored aerobically or vacuum packaged at 4 degrees C for 4 or 8 wk, respectively. Quality analyses included descriptive sensory panel, pH, L*a*b* color values, and TBARS determination. Aroma and flavor quality were retained for aerobically stored frankfurters with lactate/diacetate throughout shelf-life. Meaty/brothy complex aroma and flavor, smoke aroma and aftertaste, spice aroma and flavor, astringency, sourness, bitterness, springiness, cohesiveness, and juiciness attributes were lower for aerobically stored frankfurters formulated without lactate/diacetate compared to those with lactate/diacetate toward the end of storage. Sensory color and other quality attributes were minimally influenced by either treatment. Addition of lactate/diacetate and irradiation were also effective shelf-life extenders for vacuum-packaged frankfurters. There were fewer influences on sensory characteristics for vacuum-packaged frankfurters compared to those that were aerobically packaged. However, small yet significant differences were detected by sensory panelists for some aroma and flavor attributes, which remained consistent between treatments throughout storage. Sensory and instrumental color scores varied slightly, but were fairly consistent throughout vacuum-packaged storage. Overall, lactate/diacetate retarded deterioration of frankfurters throughout aerobic storage and helped maintain quality with or without irradiation for vacuum-packaged frankfurters.

published proceedings

  • J Food Sci

author list (cited authors)

  • Knight, T. D., Miller, R., Maxim, J., & Keeton, J. T.

citation count

  • 3

complete list of authors

  • Knight, TD||Miller, R||Maxim, J||Keeton, JT

publication date

  • March 2007
