publication venue for
- Hadron production from heavy ion collisions. 276:06001-06001. 2023
- A new 12C+12C reaction rate: Impact on stellar evolution. 279:11016-11016.
- Cross section measurements in the 12C+12C system. 165:01015-01015.
- Fusion cross section measurements of astrophysical interest for light heavy ions systems within the STELLA project. 163:00018-00018.
- Study of key resonances in the 30P(p, )31S reaction in classical novae. 184:02010-02010.
- Sub-barrier fusion cross section measurements with STELLA. 165:01029-01029.
- Using Artificial Neural Networks To Accelerate Trans- port Solves 2021
- Stellar variability from Dome A, Antarctica 2017
- Test of internal-conversion theory with a measurement in Cd-111 2017
- The symmetry energy at suprasaturation density and the ASYEOS experiment at GSI 2017
- Constraints on the asymmetric equation of state from heavy-ion collisions 2016
- Progress in constraining the asymmetry dependence of the nuclear caloric curve 2016
- Properties of isoscalar monopole particle-hole-type excitations in 208Pb 2016
- Chiral nucleon-nucleon forces in nuclear structure calculations 2016
- The ASY-EOS Experiment at GSI 2016
- Testing CVC and CKM Unitarity via superallowed nuclear beta decay 2015
- Studying heavy-ion collisions with FAUST-QTS 2015
- Measurement of sub threshold resonance contributions to fusion reactions: the case of the C-13(alpha, n)O-16 astrophysical neutron source 2015
- Nuclear pairing from two-body microscopic forces: analysis of the Cooper pair wavefunctions 2015
- Numerical simulation of heat transfer to separation tio(2)/water nanofluids flow in an asymmetric abrupt expansion 2015
- The ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: Constraining the symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities 2015
- Measurement of the C-13(alpha, n)O-16 reaction at astrophysical energies using the Trojan Horse Method. Focus on the-3 keV subthreshold resonance. 2014
- The ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: investigating symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities 2014
- ASY-EOS experiment at GSI 2012
- An Initiative For The Development And Application Of Open-Source Multi-Physics Simulation In Support Of R&D And E&T In Nuclear Science And Technology
- Development of a Neutron Spectroscopic System Utilizing Compressed Sensing Measurements
- Reduced-Order Modeling of Parameterized Transient Flows in Closed-Lloop Systems