awards grant
- IPA - Elliott - PO #674-D85031-
- IPA - Kwok - PO #674-D85030
- IPA for Adrian Bates
- IPA for Bharathi Hattiangady
- IPA for Bing Shuai-
- IPA for Jeffrey Browning
- IPA for Jing Xu
- IPA for Maheedhar Kodali
- IPA for Raghavendra Upadhya
- IPA with Central Texas Veterans Health Care System (CTVHCS)
- IPA with Central Texas Veterans Health Care System (CTVHCS)
- The impact of modifiable psychosocial factors on Veterans’ long-term trajectories of functioning and quality of life: Promoting recovery by targeting mindfulness and psychological flexibility, aka Project SERVE
- VA IPA - Maheedhar Kodali
- VA IPA - Vikas Mishra