Gonadotropin-releasing hormone-induced luteinizing hormone release in heifers: effect of nutrition during gestation.
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The effects of nutrition during the last two trimesters of gestation on GnRH-induced LH release were assessed in crossbred heifers. Heifers (n = 58) were allotted at 90 d gestation to one of three levels of an experimental diet fed at 1, 1.5 or 2% of BW to attain maternal BW loss, BW maintenance or BW gain, respectively, at parturition. Twenty-two heifers were injected (i.m.) once with 100 micrograms GnRH between d 14 and 1 before parturition, and 32 heifers were injected (i.m.) once with 100 micrograms GnRH between d 8 and 21 after parturition. Jugular blood samples were collected before and at 30-min intervals after GnRH for 4 h. Least squares means for BW change differed (P less than .01) among BW loss (-17.6%), BW maintenance (-6.0%) and BW gain (7.0%) heifers. Basal plasma LH concentration was not influenced by nutritional treatment and was similar before and after parturition for all groups. However, in response to GnRH, peak plasma LH concentration was greater (P less than .10) for prepartum than for postpartum heifers. Mean LH peak amplitude in prepartum heifers was approximately twofold greater (P less than .10) in the BW loss and maintenance groups compared with the BW gain group. Prepartum LH release was related inversely (r = -.64) to change in heifer BW and increased (P less than .01) as BW loss increased during gestation. After parturition, mean LH peak amplitude and area under the response curve averaged 50% less (P less than .10) in the BW loss and maintenance groups than in the BW gain group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)