Application of Micro Computers in Design of Self-tuning Controllers
Conference Paper
The speed and accuracy of microprocessors has extensively changed the way control systems are designed. Process controllers can be "taught" to adjust themselves without any operator intervention. These self-tuning controllers are programmed to provide a stable system response under various disturbance conditions. This paper presents a fluid level system to be modeled and controlled utilizing A Self-tuning controller to improve the output response to a step input. The digital controller will provide the required output with variations in a single plant parameter. A fully adaptive controller will then be implemented using PC Matlab to allow for any of the plant parameters to vary and still maintain a suitable output. This concept can be used in Senior Design Project Course as well as in Master Programs in developing nations with limited resources. The popularity of the PID controller and the increased use of microprocessors have led to a digital version of the algorithm for use in computer control applications. The first part of this paper will look at the output response of the specified plant to a step input. Some of the plant parameters will be adjusted to obtain the best results. The system response is improved by adding a PID 1 controller. The next part will show how a self-tuning controller will allow any of the plant parameters to vary without greatly changing the system response. The least-squares algorithm 2 will be used to update the controller values during every sampling period. 2011 American Society for Engineering Education.