selected publications academic article Mukherjee, S., Amatya, D., Jalowska, A., Campbell, J., Johnson, S., Elder, K., ... Kikoyo, D. (2023). Comparison of on-site versus NOAA's extreme precipitation intensity-duration-frequency estimates for six forest headwater catchments across the continental United States. 37(10), 4051-4070. Kikoyo, D., Wurbs, R., Ale, S., & Smith, P. (2023). Alternate reservoir operating policies for Lake Victoria in East Africa: A framework for balancing transboundary and local water demands. 28(1), Duncan, K., & Tobias, O. (2023). Comparative Evaluation of the Performance of SWAT, SWAT+, and APEX Models in Simulating Edge of Field Hydrological Processes. 11(02), 37-49. Kikoyo, D., Ale, S., & Smith, P. K. (2020). SELECTIVE CROPPING AS A SOIL CONSERVATION PRACTICE: A BENEFITS EVALUATION. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(6), 1735-1746. Kikoyo, D. A., & Nobert, J. (2016). Assessment of impact of climate change and adaptation strategies on maize production in Uganda. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Parts A/B/C. 93, 37-45.
teaching activities BAEN468 Soil & Water Cons Engr Instructor BAEN469 Water Quality Engr Instructor BAEN669 Water Quality Engr Instructor