selected publications academicarticle Fearing, A., Kalbasi, A., Zuniga, A., Pak, H., Haglund, J., Kim, H. Y., & King, M. (2020). Performance of two shrouded probes for the collection of liquid aerosols in a wind tunnel optimized for high air speeds. Aerosol Science and Technology. 54(8), 972-982. Li, H., Faulkner, W. B., Haglund, J. S., & Lacey, R. E. (2017). Effect of convergence angle on impactor performance. Aerosol Science and Technology. 51(8), 981-987. Faulkner, W. B., Smith, R., & Haglund, J. (2014). Large Particle Penetration During PM10 Sampling. Aerosol Science and Technology. 48(6), 676-687. Hubbard, J. A., Ezekoye, O. A., & Haglund, J. S. (2013). Modeling Liquid Film Evaporation in a Wetted Wall Bioaerosol Sampling Cyclone. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications. 5(3), 031007. Faulkner, W. B., & Haglund, J. S. (2012). Flattening Coefficients for Oleic Acid Droplets on Treated Glass Slides. Aerosol Science and Technology. 46(7), 828-832. Hubbard, J. A., Haglund, J. S., Ezekoye, O. A., & McFarland, A. R. (2011). Liquid Consumption of Wetted Wall Bioaerosol Sampling Cyclones: Characterization and Control. Aerosol Science and Technology. 45(2), 172-182. McFarland, A. R., Haglund, J. S., King, M. D., Hu, S., Phull, M. S., Moncla, B. W., & Seo, Y. (2010). Wetted Wall Cyclones for Bioaerosol Sampling. Aerosol Science and Technology. 44(4), 241-252. Han, T., Haglund, J. S., Hari, S., & McFarland, A. R. (2009). Aerosol Deposition on Electroformed Wire Screens. Aerosol Science and Technology. 43(2), 112-119. Hubbard, J. A., Haglund, J. S., & Ezekoye, O. A. (2009). Simulation of the evolution of particle size distributions containing coarse particulate in the atmospheric surface layer with a simple convection-diffusion-sedimentation model. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 43(29), 4435-4443. Hu, S., Seo, Y., McFarland, A. R., & Haglund, J. S. (2008). HEAT TRANSFER STUDY ON A BIOAEROSOL SAMPLING CYCLONE. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS. 2(3), 309-318. Han, T. W., O'Neal, D. L., McFarland, A. R., Haglund, J., & Ortiz, C. A. (2005). Evaluation of mixing elements in an L-shaped configuration for application to single-point aerosol sampling in ducts. HVAC and R Research. 11(4), 657-672. Haglund, J. S., & McFarland, A. R. (2004). A circumferential slot virtual impactor. Aerosol Science and Technology. 38(7), 664-674. Haglund, J. S., Chandra, S., & McFarland, A. R. (2002). Evaluation of a high volume aerosol concentrator. Aerosol Science and Technology. 36(6), 690-696. conference paper King, M., Kassab, A., Haglund, J., & McFarland, A. (2011). Bioaerosol sampling with the wetted wall cyclone in a laboratory and different indoor environments. 2856-2857. King, M., Ugaz, V., Haglund, J., Asea, A., & Hassan, Y. (2011). Development of an environmental particle collector system for continuous sampling of ultrafine aerosols. 2858-2859. Richardson, M. A., Ortiz, C. A., Haglund, J. S., & McFarland, A. R (2003). Development of a bioaerosol collection system for mail sorting machines. Health Physics. S269-S269. patent Haglund, J., & Mcfarland, A (2007). Circumferential slot virtual impactor for concentrating aerosols
teaching activities MEEN225 Engineering Mechanics Instructor MEEN225 Hnr-engineering Mechanics Instructor MEEN260 Mechanical Measurements Instructor MEEN315 Prin Of Thermodynamics Instructor MEEN344 Fluid Mechanics Instructor MEEN364 Dynamic Syst And Control Instructor MEEN404 Engineering Laboratory Instructor MEEN421 Thermo Fluid Anly & Desn Instructor MEEN461 Heat Transfer Instructor MEEN489 Sptp: Mech In Matl Instructor MEEN489 Sptp: Solid Mech Instructor MEEN684 Professional Internship Instructor MEEN685 Directed Studies Instructor MEEN691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Phull, Manpreet Singh (2006-10). An improved wetted-wall bioaerosol sampling cyclone. Seshadri, Satyanarayanan (2009-05). The inline virtual impactor.
education and training Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2003 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2000 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics minor, Montana State University - (Bozeman, Montana, United States) 1995
awards and honors Instructional Faculty Teaching Award, The Dwight Look College of Engineering, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2016
mailing address Texas A&M University Mechanical Engineering 3123 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3123 USA