Youngs Modulus Measurement of Electroplated Nickel Using AFM Conference Paper uri icon


  • This paper addresses a relatively simple method of measuring Young's modulus of electroplated nickel using Atomic Force Microscope. Thin layer of nickel to be measured is electroplated onto the tip side of AFM silicon cantilever, whose Young's modulus and the geometric dimensions are defined from manufacturer. The resonant frequency and the quality factor of the electroplated AFM cantilever are measured by the tapping mode of AFM and its spring constant is calculated using Sader's method. The spring constant of the electroplated cantilever is also calculated by using the laminar composite beam theory. Comparing two spring constants, Young's modulus of the electroplated nickel is determined. The measured elastic modulus of nickel in each time step is in the range of between and the average elastic modulus is with relative uncertainty of less than 5%

name of conference

  • Microelectromechanical Systems

published proceedings

  • Microelectromechanical Systems

author list (cited authors)

  • Kim, S., & Boyd, J. G.

citation count

  • 1

complete list of authors

  • Kim, Sang-Hyun||Boyd, James G

publication date

  • January 2006