Naturally occurring trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) in dogs.
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Nine fatal cases of canine American trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) were encountered from November, 1972, through November, 1975. Of the 9 cases, 7 occurred in dogs from 5 central Texas counties, and all but one case was diagnosed during the months of September, October, or November. The source of infection was discovered in only one case--that being a doghouse heavily infested with Triatoma lectularius occulta. Each of 6 bugs collected had infective forms of the protozoan, Trypanosoma cruzi. Trypanosomiasis usually is not considered in the differential clinical diagnosis of cardiac dysfunction in man or other mammals in the United States. An antemortem diagnosis was made in only 1 of the 9 dogs, with diagnosis in the remaining dogs being made at necropsy. The predominant microscopic lesion in all dogs was necrotizing granulomatous myocarditis associated with the amastigotes of T cruzi.