Rho0 production and possible modification in Au+Au and p+p collisions at square root [sNN] = 200 GeV. uri icon


  • We report results on rho(770)(0)-->pi(+)pi(-) production at midrapidity in p+p and peripheral Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV. This is the first direct measurement of rho(770)(0)-->pi(+)pi(-) in heavy-ion collisions. The measured rho(0) peak in the invariant mass distribution is shifted by approximately 40 MeV/c(2) in minimum bias p+p interactions and approximately 70 MeV/c(2) in peripheral Au+Au collisions. The rho(0) mass shift is dependent on transverse momentum and multiplicity. The modification of the rho(0) meson mass, width, and shape due to phase space and dynamical effects are discussed.

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev Lett

author list (cited authors)

  • Adams, J., Adler, C., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Amonett, J., Anderson, B. D., ... Zubarev, A. N.

citation count

  • 126

complete list of authors

  • Adams, J||Adler, C||Aggarwal, MM||Ahammed, Z||Amonett, J||Anderson, BD||Arkhipkin, D||Averichev, GS||Badyal, SK||Balewski, J||Barannikova, O||Barnby, LS||Baudot, J||Bekele, S||Belaga, VV||Bellwied, R||Berger, J||Bezverkhny, BI||Bhardwaj, S||Bhati, AK||Bichsel, H||Billmeier, A||Bland, LC||Blyth, CO||Bonner, BE||Botje, M||Boucham, A||Brandin, A||Bravar, A||Cadman, RV||Cai, XZ||Caines, H||Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M||Carroll, J||Castillo, J||Cebra, D||Chaloupka, P||Chattopadhyay, S||Chen, HF||Chen, Y||Chernenko, SP||Cherney, M||Chikanian, A||Christie, W||Coffin, JP||Cormier, TM||Cramer, JG||Crawford, HJ||Das, D||Das, S||Derevschikov, AA||Didenko, L||Dietel, T||Dong, WJ||Dong, X||Draper, JE||Du, F||Dubey, AK||Dunin, VB||Dunlop, JC||Dutta Majumdar, MR||Eckardt, V||Efimov, LG||Emelianov, V||Engelage, J||Eppley, G||Erazmus, B||Estienne, M||Fachini, P||Faine, V||Faivre, J||Fatemi, R||Filimonov, K||Filip, P||Finch, E||Fisyak, Y||Flierl, D||Foley, KJ||Fu, J||Gagliardi, CA||Gagunashvili, N||Gans, J||Ganti, MS||Gaudichet, L||Geurts, F||Ghazikhanian, V||Ghosh, P||Gonzalez, JE||Grachov, O||Grebenyuk, O||Gronstal, S||Grosnick, D||Guertin, SM||Gupta, A||Gutierrez, TD||Hallman, TJ||Hamed, A||Hardtke, D||Harris, JW||Heinz, M||Henry, TW||Heppelmann, S||Hippolyte, B||Hirsch, A||Hjort, E||Hoffmann, GW||Horsley, M||Huang, HZ||Huang, SL||Hughes, E||Humanic, TJ||Igo, G||Ishihara, A||Jacobs, P||Jacobs, WW||Janik, M||Jiang, H||Johnson, I||Jones, PG||Judd, EG||Kabana, S||Kaplan, M||Keane, D||Khodyrev, V Yu||Kiryluk, J||Kisiel, A||Klay, J||Klein, SR||Klyachko, A||Koetke, DD||Kollegger, T||Kopytine, M||Kotchenda, L||Kovalenko, AD||Kramer, M||Kravtsov, P||Kravtsov, VI||Krueger, K||Kuhn, C||Kulikov, AI||Kumar, A||Kunde, GJ||Kunz, CL||Kutuev, R Kh||Kuznetsov, AA||Lamont, MAC||Landgraf, JM||Lange, S||Lasiuk, B||Laue, F||Lauret, J||Lebedev, A||Lednický, R||LeVine, MJ||Li, C||Li, Q||Lindenbaum, SJ||Lisa, MA||Liu, F||Liu, L||Liu, Z||Liu, QJ||Ljubicic, T||Llope, WJ||Long, H||Longacre, RS||Lopez-Noriega, M||Love, WA||Ludlam, T||Lynn, D||Ma, J||Ma, YG||Magestro, D||Mahajan, S||Mangotra, LK||Mahapatra, DP||Majka, R||Manweiler, R||Margetis, S||Markert, C||Martin, L||Marx, J||Matis, HS||Matulenko, Yu A||McClain, CJ||McShane, TS||Meissner, F||Melnick, Yu||Meschanin, A||Miller, ML||Milosevich, Z||Minaev, NG||Mironov, C||Mischke, A||Mishra, D||Mitchell, J||Mohanty, B||Molnar, L||Moore, CF||Mora-Corral, MJ||Morozov, DA||Morozov, V||De Moura, MM||Munhoz, MG||Nandi, BK||Nayak, SK||Nayak, TK||Nelson, JM||Netrakanti, PK||Nikitin, VA||Nogach, LV||Norman, B||Nurushev, SB||Odyniec, G||Ogawa, A||Okorokov, V||Oldenburg, M||Olson, D||Paic, G||Pal, SK||Panebratsev, Y||Panitkin, SY||Pavlinov, AI||Pawlak, T||Peitzmann, T||Perevoztchikov, V||Perkins, C||Peryt, W||Petrov, VA||Phatak, SC||Picha, R||Planinic, M||Pluta, J||Porile, N||Porter, J||Poskanzer, AM||Potekhin, M||Potrebenikova, E||Potukuchi, BVKS||Prindle, D||Pruneau, C||Putschke, J||Rai, G||Rakness, G||Raniwala, R||Raniwala, S||Ravel, O||Ray, RL||Razin, SV||Reichhold, D||Reid, JG||Renault, G||Retiere, F||Ridiger, A||Ritter, HG||Roberts, JB||Rogachevski, OV||Romero, JL||Rose, A||Roy, C||Ruan, LJ||Sahoo, R||Sakrejda, I||Salur, S||Sandweiss, J||Savin, I||Schambach, J||Scharenberg, RP||Schmitz, N||Schroeder, LS||Schweda, K||Seger, J||Seyboth, P||Shahaliev, E||Shao, M||Shao, W||Sharma, M||Shestermanov, KE||Shimanskii, SS||Singaraju, RN||Simon, F||Skoro, G||Smirnov, N||Snellings, R||Sood, G||Sorensen, P||Sowinski, J||Speltz, J||Spinka, HM||Srivastava, B||Stanislaus, TDS||Stock, R||Stolpovsky, A||Strikhanov, M||Stringfellow, B||Struck, C||Suaide, AAP||Sugarbaker, E||Suire, C||Sumbera, M||Surrow, B||Symons, TJM||Szanto de Toledo, A||Szarwas, P||Tai, A||Takahashi, J||Tang, AH||Thein, D||Thomas, JH||Timoshenko, S||Tokarev, M||Tonjes, MB||Trainor, TA||Trentalange, S||Tribble, RE||Tsai, O||Ullrich, T||Underwood, DG||Van Buren, G||VanderMolen, AM||Varma, R||Vasilevski, I||Vasiliev, AN||Vernet, R||Vigdor, SE||Viyogi, YP||Voloshin, SA||Vznuzdaev, M||Waggoner, W||Wang, F||Wang, G||Wang, G||Wang, XL||Wang, Y||Wang, ZM||Ward, H||Watson, JW||Webb, JC||Wells, R||Westfall, GD||Whitten, C||Wieman, H||Willson, R||Wissink, SW||Witt, R||Wood, J||Wu, J||Xu, N||Xu, Z||Xu, ZZ||Yamamoto, E||Yepes, P||Yurevich, VI||Yuting, B||Zanevski, YV||Zhang, H||Zhang, WM||Zhang, ZP||Zhaomin, ZP||Zizong, ZP||Zołnierczuk, PA||Zoulkarneev, R||Zoulkarneeva, J||Zubarev, AN

publication date

  • March 2004