Field Assessment of Black Spot Resistance in Roses in a Hot Humid Climate uri icon


  • A replicated rose evaluation trial was planted in the spring of 2006 at the Texas A&M University Horticulture Farm in College Station, Texas (USA). This trial was systematically evaluated for black spot resistance over 3 years. The roses evaluated were composed of a wide range of classes including hybrid teas, polyanthas, shrubs, chinas, teas, and ground covers as well as various experimental breeding lines. Among the roses evaluated, there were those that maintained excellent health and good landscape quality such as Belindas Dream and Knockout. Others, such as New Zealand and Ingrid Bergman were so susceptible to black spot that they died within 1 or 2 years. Furthermore, some varieties, such as Charles Darwin, showed considerable blackspot infection, but were able to withstand it and continue to bloom. An examination of the parentage of the roses with good to excellent resistance indicated that their resistance came from a wide range of rose species including Rosa wichurana, R. rugosa, R. multiflora, R. carolina, R. virginiana, R. laxa, and R. spinossisima.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Byrne, D. H., Anderson, N., Orwat, M., & Soules, V.

citation count

  • 12

complete list of authors

  • Byrne, DH||Anderson, N||Orwat, M||Soules, V

publication date

  • July 2010