Supersonic missile body jet interaction flowfields at low momentum-parameter-ratio
Conference Paper
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A full characterization of the high-speed (M = 3.0) jet interaction flowfield over a blended body missile hselage (sharp-coned cylinder) was experimentally achieved. Injection temperature, for a given overexpanded MPR, had a small but discernible effect on the boundary layer separation distance. The influence of the jet plume on the surface pressure distribution in the wake region of the flow was found to depend on MPR. The effective backpressure concept was an accurate indicator of the jet flow condition. The interaction force increased almost linearly with increasing MPR. The amplification factor was inversely proportional to MPR In general, progressing downstream, the turbulence levels formed three distinct regions across the plume. Region 1 was defined as the upper region of the plume, where the turbulence levels were moderate. Region 2 was defined as the high turbulent level region located along the lower portion of the plume near the missile hselage. Region 3 was define as the relatively low turbulence region along the plume core, where in the upper half, the turbulence levels were very low, and moving down towards the missile fuselage, the levels increased to those in region 2. The present data suggest a strong qualitative correlation between the measured shear strain rate field and the turbulence across the plume, which supports the current usage of the Boussinesq turbulence model approximation.