Three cases of ovarian epidermoid cysts in cattle. uri icon


  • Three cases of bovine, ovarian epidermoid cysts were diagnosed as unilateral benign lesions in three out of 1,971 cows at slaughter. A stratified, cornifying, and squamous epithelium without associated skin adnexal structures or tissues from other embryonic tissue layers lined the cysts. The cysts were small, usually multiple, and contained keratin debris. Macroscopically, they resembled abscesses. These are benign, congenital lesions that are a separate entity from dermoids and teratomas, and they appear to have a higher incidence in cattle with Bos indicus breeding.

published proceedings

  • Vet Pathol

author list (cited authors)

  • Edwards, J. F.

citation count

  • 11

complete list of authors

  • Edwards, JF

publication date

  • November 2002