publication venue for
- GW170817 event rules out general relativity in favor of vector gravity. 230:1149-1166. 2021
- On the thermodynamics of the difference between energy transfer rate and heat engine efficiency. 230:867-871. 2021
- Present and potential future experimental evidence supporting a multicomponent dark matter scenario. 230:1121-1130. 2021
- Quantum dot and quantum well solar energy converters. 230:963-977. 2021
- Thermodynamic bounds on work extraction from photocells and photosynthesis. 230:873-879. 2021
- From von Neumann to Wigner and beyond. 227:2171-2182. 2019
- A discrete dislocation analysis of fatigue crack growth. 11:pr5-69-pr5-75. 2001
- Neutron-rich rare isotope production below the Fermi energy and its application to the Texas A&M RIB upgrade 2007
- Penning trap mass measurements of rare isotopes produced by projectile fragmentation with LEBIT at NSCL 2007
- Domain walls in random media driven by AC fields 2002