publication venue for
- Simulation of rice paddy systems in SWAT: A review of previous applications and proposed SWAT plus rice paddy module. 15:1-24. 2022
- Cropping pattern optimization considering uncertainty of water availability and water saving potential. 11:178-186. 2018
- Effects of environment lighting on the growth, photosynthesis, and quality of hydroponic lettuce in a plant factory. 11:33-40. 2018
- Code modernization and modularization of APEX and SWAT watershed simulation models. 8:81-94. 2015
- Adding sweet sorghum juice into current dry-grind ethanol process for improving ethanol yields and water efficiency. 8:97-103. 2015
- Code modernization and modularization of APEX and SWAT watershed simulation models. 8:1-14. 2015
- Effects of spatial and temporal weather data resolutions on streamflow modeling of a semi-arid basin, Northeast Brazil. 8:125-139. 2015
- Evaluation of alternative surface runoff accounting procedures using SWAT model. 8:54-68. 2015
- Impacts of climate change on hydrology, water quality and crop productivity in the Ohio-Tennessee River Basin. 8:36-53. 2015
- Review of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) applications in Brazil: Challenges and prospects. 8:9-35. 2015
- Soil-Landscape Estimation and Evaluation Program (SLEEP) to predict spatial distribution of soil attributes for environmental modeling. 8:158-172. 2015
- Fermentation kinetics and ethanol production from different sweet sorghum varieties. 4. 2011
- Analysis of variograms with various sample sizes from a multispectral image. 2:62-69. 2009
- Analysis of vegetation indices derived from aerial multispectral and ground hyperspectral data. 2:33-40. 2009