Effect of sperm extract injection volume, injection of PLCzeta cRNA, and tissue cell line on efficiency of equine nuclear transfer.
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We evaluated the effect of different activation methods on blastocyst development after equine nuclear transfer. All activation treatments were followed by incubation in 2 mM 6-dimethylaminopurine for 4 h. In Experiment 1, reconstructed oocytes were injected with sperm extract for 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, or 1.6 sec using a FemtoJet injection device, then treated with ionomycin. The blastocyst rate (9.8%) for 0.1-sec injection was significantly higher than that for 0.2 sec (0%) or 0.8 sec (1.4%). In Experiment 2, injection of murine PLCzeta cRNA before or after ionomycin treatment did not increase blastocyst development (0 and 4.5%) over a control treatment (injection of sperm extract after ionomycin exposure; 5.6%). Transfer of 10 blastocysts produced in Experiments 1 and 2 resulted in five pregnancies, all lost before 70 days of gestation. In Experiment 3, cells from a second biopsy sample from the same horse produced significantly more blastocysts than did the original sample (4/44 vs. 0/58; p < 0.05). Transfer of these four blastocysts produced two viable foals. In Experiment 4, blastocyst development rates did not differ between oocytes in metaphase I or II at the time of nuclear transfer (16.7 and 3.0%, respectively). A healthy foal was produced from a blastocyst originating from a metaphase I oocyte.