Lime treatment of agricultural residues to improve rumen digestibility
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Bagasse, bajra (african millet, Pennisetum typhoideum), jowar (indian millet, Sorghum vul-gare) and tobacco stalks were treated with lime to increase the rate and extent of dry matter digestibility. All four materials were treated with 10 g Ca(OH)2/100 g dry biomass at 100C for 1 to 2 h. The residual calcium in the biomass after lime treatment and washing was 1.5 to 2.7 g/100 g dry lime-treated biomass. Samples of each biomass were placed in fine-mesh nylon bags which, in turn, were placed in the rumen of a cannulated steer. The bags were removed at periodic intervals and analyzed for dry matter digestibility, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber. After lime treatment and addition of water-extracted solubles, the 48-h dry matter digestibilities were: bagasse, 62.7% treated vs. 30.8% untreated; bajra, 89.9% treated vs. 45.1% untreated; jowar, 82.9% treated vs. 54.1% untreated; and tobacco stalks, 67.9% treated vs. 34.4% untreated. In each case, lime treatment approximately doubled the digestibility making it an effective method to upgrade the rumen digestibility of agricultural residues. 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.