High Temperatures Reduce Postharvest Flowering of Specialty Floral Crop Species uri icon


  • The effect of increasing temperatures on the duration of postharvest flower development was determined for three specialty crop species: marguerite (Argyranthemum frutescens Webb ex Schultz-Bip.) `Butterfly' and `Sugar Baby'; swan river daisy (Brachycome hybrid Cass.) `Ultra'; and bacopa (Sutera cordata Roth.) `Snowflake'. Plants were grown in a greenhouse at 18 C (65 F) until flowering, and then transferred into a phytotron to determine heat tolerance. Plants were stored for 8 weeks at constant temperatures of 18, 23, 28, and 33 C (65, 73, 82, and 91 F) for 2-week intervals. Flower bud and flower number were recorded weekly. Sutera cordata `Snowflake' and B. hybrid `Ultra' had the greatest flower number at the 23 C temperature, decreasing in the 28 C environment. Argyranthemum frutescens `Butterfly' and `Sugar Baby' had greatest flower number at 28 C, but flowers were of lower quality thanat 23 C. Flower development of all cultivars ceased at 33 C, at the end of 8 weeks at increasing temperatures, but when plants were returned to the 18 C production greenhouse, flower development resumed. High temperatures (28 C) reduce the postharvest performance of S. cordata, B. hybrid, and A. frutescens plants grown in hanging baskets; therefore, these species should be marketed as spring-flowering products since summer performance may be unsatisfactory in warm climates.

published proceedings

  • HortTechnology

author list (cited authors)

  • Williams, M. S., Starman, T. W., & Faust, J. E.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Williams, Millie S||Starman, Terri W||Faust, James E

publication date

  • January 1999