Studies of Store-Induced Limit Cycle Oscillations Using a Model with Full System Nonlinearities
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The authors investigate limit-cycle oscillations of a wing/store configuration. Unlike typical aeroelastic that are based upon a linearized form of the governing equations, herein full system nonlinearities are retained, and include transonic flow effects, coupled responses from the structure, and store-related kinematics and dynamics. Unsteady aerodynamic loads are modeled with the equations from transonic small disturbance theory. The structural dynamics for the cantilevered wing are modeled by the nonlinear equations of motion for a beam. The effects of general store-placement are modeled by the nonlinear equations of motion related to the position-induced nonlinear kinematics. Chordwise deformations of the wing surface, as well as pylon and store flexibility, are assumed negligible. Nonlinear responses are studied by examining bifurcation and related response characteristics using direct simulation. Particular attention is given to cases for which large-time, time-dependent behavior is dependent on initial conditions, as observed for some configurations in flight test. Comparisons of results in which selective nonlinearities are excluded indicate that the accurate prediction of nonlinear responses such as limit cycle oscillations may depend upon consideration of all nonlinearities related to the full system.
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44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference