Can observational practice facilitate error recognition and movement production? uri icon


  • Two experiments are reported that examined the usefulness of observational learning for acquiring both error detection and movement production capabilities. In both experiments, individuals were assigned to a no-practice, physical-practice, or observational practice condition. Those assigned to a physical-practice condition acted as models for those assigned as observers. In both experiments, models were administered a random practice of three serial key-press tasks that had the same spatial pattern and same relative timing requirement but differed in the overall time goal. During the retention test, individuals provided estimates of their overall time after each trial. Data from these experiments revealed that error detection and overall time specification were similar following observation and physical practice. However, data from Experiment 2 indicated that physical practice offered an advantage beyond that afforded via observation, with regard to acquiring the appropriate relative time pattern. These data are discussed with respect to the role of observation for learning movement recognition and production processes.

published proceedings

  • Res Q Exerc Sport

author list (cited authors)

  • Black, C. B., & Wright, D. L.

citation count

  • 43

complete list of authors

  • Black, CB||Wright, DL

publication date

  • January 2000