Consideration of economics while identifying best management practices for watershed protection plans
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In a multi-disciplinary effort directed toward developing a watershed protection plan for the Eagle Mountain Reservoir Watershed in north-central Texas, focus is on minimizing the life-cycle costs associated with the plan. Both the initial construction costs and the annual operating and maintenance costs of watershed management are considered in conjunction with meeting the targeted reductions in Phosphorus (P), Nitrogen (N), and Sediment (Sed) annual inflows into the reservoir required to meet environmental quality concerns. P, N, and Sed annual inflows are addressed and numerous Best Management Practices (BMPs) are considered for reducing the inflows of the objectionable materials. Financial and economic optimization analyses facilitate determination of a least-cost suite of BMPs which realize the targeted inflow reductions, while also accounting for variation in expected productive lives and the requisite costs of each BMP contemplated. In addition to a base analysis, several sensitivity scenarios are analyzed. Frequent interaction with collaborators and stakeholders contribute to the robust value of the implications of the results toward eventual implementation of an economic-based watershed management plan.