The protein resistance of silicones prepared with a PEO-silane amphiphile
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Silicone coatings with improved resistance to plasma proteins were prepared by incorporating a PEO-silane amphiphile: -(EtO) 3 Si-(CH 2 ) 2 -oligodimethylsiloxane 13 -block- poly(ethylene oxide) 8 -OCH 3 . The oligodimethylsiloxane tether imparts amphiphilicity and molecular mobility to the chain thereby enhancing protein resistance. Using a medical grade, silica-filled acetoxy-cure silicone, the PEO-silane amphiphile was introduced at varying levels (0, 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt%) and films prepared via solvent-casting. Increased PEO-silane amphiphile content led to increased surface hydrophilicity and improved resistance to bovine serum albumin (BSA) and human fibrinogen (HF). When maintained in air, the surfaces of the coatings did not display hydrophobic recovery. 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.