Linear FPT reductions and computational lower bounds
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We develop new techniques for deriving very strong computational lower bounds for a class of well-known NP-hard problems, including WEIGHTED SATISFIABILITY, DOMINATING SET, HITTING SET, SET COVER, CLIQUE, and INDEPENDENT SET. For example, although a trivial enumeration can easily test in time O(nk) if a given graph of n vertices has a clique of size k, we prove that unless an unlikely collapse occurs in parameterized complexity theory, the problem is not solvable in time f(k)no(k)for any function f, even if we restrict the parameter value k to be bounded by an arbitrarily small function of n. Under the same assumption, we prove that even if we restrict the parameter values k to be ((n)) for any reasonable function , no algorithm of running time no(k)can test if a graph of n vertices has a clique of size k. Similar strong lower bounds are also derived for other problems in the above class. Our techniques can be extended to derive computational lower bounds on approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems. For example, we prove that the NP-hard DISTINGUISHING SUBSTRING SELECTION problem, for which a polynomial time approximation scheme has been recently developed, has no polynomial time approximation schemes of running time f(1/)no(1/)for any function f unless an unlikely collapse occurs in parameterized complexity theory.
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Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, Chicago, IL, USA, June 13-16, 2004