Aeroelastic Simulation of Structures in Hypersonic Flow
Conference Paper
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This paper presents recent developments of a highfidelity nonlinear aerothermoelastic analysis code used for evaluating the effectiveness of novel materials in mitigating the effects of hypersonic flow. This aerothermoelastic model consists of: (1) an aerodynamics model based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations that captures compressible flow effects and shock/boundary layer interaction, (2) a thermoelastic finite element structural model, and (3) a solution methodology that couples the nonlinear structure and fluid flow, including a consistent geometric interface between the deforming structure and the flow field. The parallel computation algorithm and the grid generator of the flow solver were developed concurrently to improve the efficiency of parallel computation. Results are presented for three configurations: a two-dimensional wedge, a fin and a generic wing of a hypersonic vehicle. 2012 AIAA.