Stability Enhancement of a Transonic Wing Using a Simple Passive Attachment Conference Paper uri icon


  • A nonlinear energy sink (NES) has been designed to passively control the development of certain transonic instabilities in a scale model, generic transport wing. Following a review of the aerodynamic and structural models used in the analysis of this system, we describe the design of the device in the form of a lightweight, single-degree-of-freedom attachment housed in a winglet. The predicted effect of the NES on the wing's response, especially its potential to augment stability in the transonic dip, is discussed, and the various types of responses that can occur are compared. 2011 by Sean A. Hubbard. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

name of conference

  • AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference

published proceedings

  • AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference

author list (cited authors)

  • Hubbard, S., McFarland, M., Vakakis, A., Bergman, L., Fontenot, R., Brown, R., Cizmas, P., & Strganac, T.

complete list of authors

  • Hubbard, Sean||McFarland, Michael||Vakakis, Alexander||Bergman, Lawrence||Fontenot, Raymond||Brown, Robert||Cizmas, Paul||Strganac, Thomas