publication venue for
- Simplified sediment yield index incorporating parameter stream length. 80:631. 2021
- Compression behavior of reconstituted soils mixed with bentonite for a cutoff wall in a landfill site. 77:390. 2018
- Effect of roughness on water flow through a synthetic single rough fracture. 76:186. 2017
- Elliptical fracture network modeling with validation in Datong Mine, China. 73:7089-7101. 2015
- Non-Darcian flow toward a larger-diameter partially penetrating well in a confined aquifer. 72:4617-4625. 2014
- Numerical simulation and evaluation of groundwater resources in a fractured chalk aquifer: a case study in Zinder well field, Niger. 72:3053-3065. 2014
- Determining air permeability in reclaimed coastal land based on tidal fluctuations. 66:1259-1268. 2012
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of the climatic impacts on greenup date in the Tibetan Plateau. 75:1343.