publication venue for
- Magnesium Nanocomposite Coatings for Protection of a Lightweight Al Alloy: Modes of Corrosion Protection, Mechanisms of Failure. 216:1800817-1800817. 2019
- Stabilization of a Metastable Tunnel-Structured Orthorhombic Phase of VO2 upon Iridium Doping. 215:1700884-1700884. 2018
- Stabilization of a Metastable TunnelStructured Orthorhombic Phase of VO2 upon Iridium Doping (Phys. Status Solidi A 162018). 215:1870039-1870039. 2018
- Transport and magnetic anisotropy in CMR thin film La1-xCaxMnO3 (x approximate to 1/3) induced by a film-substrate interaction. 188:1187-1207. 2001
- Electrical Noise in Nanocrystalline Films. 168:r9-r10. 1998
- Thermal Spraying of Nanocrystalline Ni Coatings. 166:257-268. 1998
- Electron Concentration in V2O5 Single Crystals as Determined by l/f Noise Measurements. 81:k67-k70. 1984
- The 1/f Noise of Point Contact between Substances of Anisotropic Conductivity. 84:639-643. 1984
- Etching Asymmetric Germanium Membranes with Hydrogen Peroxide for High-Capacity Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes. 217.
- Etching Asymmetric Germanium Membranes with Hydrogen Peroxide for HighCapacity LithiumIon Battery Anodes. 217.
- DFT studies on structure, mechanics and phase behavior of magnetic shape memory alloys: Ni(2)MnGa 2008