Organization-motivated aggression: A research framework uri icon


  • Aggression and violence are of increasing concern to American employees and employers; however, these issues have received limited research attention in the management literature. We focus here on those aggressive actions and violent outcomes that are instigated by factors in the organization itself, labeled organization-motivated aggression (OMA) and organization-motivated violence (OMV). Specifically, we define the terms OMA and OMV, provide a social learning model of OMA, and present research propositions related to the model.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • OLearyKelly, A. M., Griffin, R. W., & Glew, D. J.

citation count

  • 57

complete list of authors

  • OLearyKelly, AM||Griffin, RW||Glew, DJ

publication date

  • January 1996