Dietary vitamin C requirement of hybrid striped bass Morone chrysops x M-saxatilis uri icon


  • AbstractA feeding trial was conducted to determine the dietary vitamin C requirement of juvenile hybrid striped bass Morone chrysops M. saxatilis. Fish were fed a semipurified basal diet with 40% crude protein and an energy to protein ratio of 8 kcal/g for a conditioning period of 2 wk. This diet which was not supplemented with vitamin C contained approximately 6mg vitamin C/kg. Following conditioning, fish (approximately 0.55 g initial weight) were stocked as groups of 20 in 38L aquaria and fed the basal diet and experimental diets supplemented with 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, or 150mg vitamin C/kg as ascorbate polyphosphate for a period of 10 wk. Fish fed the basal diet and the diet supplemented with 10mg vitamin C/kg exhibited signs of vitamin C deficiency including suppressed weight gain, reduced plasma and liver ascorbic acid levels, and abnormalities in isthmus cartilage formation. Plasma and liver ascorbic acid levels generally reflected dietary supplementation with the lowest levels occurring in fish fed the basal diet and higher levels in fish fed the supplemented diets. The minimum dietary requirement (SE) based on nonlinear least squares regression analysis of weight gain was 22 (6) mg vitamin C/kg diet.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Sealey, W. M., & Gatlin, D. M.

complete list of authors

  • Sealey, WM||Gatlin, DM
