A Model Predictive Control Technique for Utility Scale Grid Connected Battery Systems Using Packed U Cells Multilevel Inverter
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2016 IEEE. Grid-connected energy storage systems have been implemented in ac power systems as uninterruptable power supplies (UPS). Batteries and bi-directional power converters provide electrical power when off-grid and recharge when grid-connected. In this paper, a packed U cells (PUC) seven-level inverter has been selected as the grid-interface due to the lower cost and fewer number of components compared to other bi-directional topologies. Additionally, the PUC has higher power quality when compared to the traditional H-bridge. Compared to the traditional PI controller, Model Predictive Control (MPC) is attracting more interest due to its good dynamic response and high accuracy of reference tracking. Through the minimization of a user-defined cost function, the proposed MPC technique can simultaneously achieve unity power factor, low total harmonics distortion of the grid-side current and balance the PUC capacitor's voltages at the grid side, and control bi-directional power flow in the batteries-PUC system. The presented topology and proposed control technique are verified by simulating a 600 W reduced-scale prototype. The theoretical principles are validated by implementing the controller on the prototype using dSPACE 1007 platform.
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IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society