Greywater treatment system modeling: An approach using simulated greywater
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Greywater reuse is an innovative approach towards environmental sustainability in urban areas. Several system-design approaches have been developed to treat greywater in specific conditions. However, the physical, chemical, and biological characteristic of greywater varies with the source and the location. The uncertainty in the water quality poses challenges for the selection of the appropriate system. This research focuses on the development of a decision-support tool for design and selection of a portable greywater treatment system using synthetic-greywater. The laboratory-simulated greywater in the experiment represents the overall characteristics greywater from very high strength to low strength in terms of water quality parameters. The prioritized parameters of interest in the experiment includes; BOD, N-NO3, P-PO4, Turbidity, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), DO (Dissolved Oxygen), and TC (Total Coliform). A decentralized water treatment system has been developed which includes four serial filtrations from 50 to 1 micron followed by hollow-fiber membrane (0.02 micron), GAC (Granular Activated Carbon), UV radiation and eventually RO (Reverse Osmosis) system. Water quality parameters were evaluated at each treatment stage by using multiple run of varying strength synthetic-greywater through treatment system. The empirical results were used as training-dataset for creating ANN (Artificial Neural Network) based prediction models. Design and preliminary results will be presented in this paper.