Acute Hemodynamic, Hematologic and Dose Effects of Ingesting Two Creatine Nitrate Based Dietary Supplements Conference Paper uri icon


  • Our aim was to examine the acute (5 h) hemodynamic (HR & BP) and hematologic profiles for a (1) Placebo (PL), (2) Creatine (CR, 5 g), (3) Creatine Nitrate (CrN; 1 g CR; 0.5 N) and (4) CrN2X (2 g CR; 1.0 g N) formula administered in a randomized, doubleblind manner with 7d of washout between treatments. Participants (N=13; 22 2 y) presented for testing after abstaining from exercise and fasting for 8 h. Initial unsupplemented measures (Time 0) were assessed, followed by supplement ingestion and serial sampling (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5h). Variables included heart rate, blood pressure, liver (ALP, AST, ALT), kidney (creatinine, BUN), and muscle (CK, LDH) enzymes, glucose and blood lipids. Analyses included GLM and LSD posthoc procedures. Significant within group perturbations were noted for LDLC (CR, PL), HDLC (CrN, CrN2X), triglycerides (CrN2X, PL), glucose (CrN2X), creatinine (all), CK (CrN2X, PL), BUN (all), ALT (PL) over the 5h study period (all, P < 0.03). Corresponding between group differences (all, P<0.05) were noted for LDLC (CrN2x vs. PL, 5h), HDLC (CrN vs. CrN2X, 4h), TG (CrN2X vs. PL, T0), glucose (CrN vs. CrN2X, 2h), CK (CrN vs. PL, 2h), and ALT (CR vs. CrN2X, 4h). At no time did any analyte exceed clinically normal ranges. Given a lack of consistent patterning for any analyte we have demonstrated that CR, CR, CrN and CrN2x are well tolerated and do not adversely affect hemodynamic or hematologic function when acutely ingested.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Galvan, E., Jung, Y., Cho, M., O'Connor, A., Chang, C., Koozehchian, M., ... Kreider, R.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Galvan, E||Jung, Y||Cho, M||O'Connor, A||Chang, C||Koozehchian, M||Goodenough, C||Barringer, N||Ayadi, F||Walker, D||Simbo, S||Dalton, R||Levers, K||Garcia, E||Mitchell, C||Rasmussen, C||Greenwood, M||Murano, P||Earnest, C||Kreider, R

publication date

  • April 2015
