Air-cleaning system effectiveness for control of airborne microbes in a meat-processing plant
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The effectiveness of duct-mounted and console wall-mounted germicidal air cleaning units on the reduction of airborne microbes was determined. Preliminary air samples were collected and airborne bacteria and molds were monitored over time in the retail sales room, processing room, aging cooler and chill cooler of the Auburn Univ. Meat Laboratory. Log10 cfu/m3 bacteria and molds were not reduced by filtration of fresh air in the air duct of the sales room (P > 0.05). After at least 18 h of filtration, 3 or 4 console filtration units operated simultaneously were effective (P 0.05) at reducing airborne bacteria and molds under controlled conditions in the processing room, aging cooler, and chill cooler. Three console filtration units reduced (P 0.05) airborne molds under production conditions in the processing room. These data suggest that an electrostatically polarized filter medium combined with scanning UV light is effective in reducing airborne microorganisms in a small processing plant.