The Problem. Human resource development (HRD) in developing countries has scopes and applications beyond economic interests; it often involves addressing social issues.Furthermore, the continuing trend of population growth in the developing world, coupled with limited or unavailable resources and infrastructure, has created additional challenges. As a result, HRD practitioners in the developing world must become more innovative change agents. The Solution. This article introduces the concept of "social entrepreneurship" into HRD and urges HRD practitioners to partner with social entrepreneurs in their mission of promoting communit and national development. Specifically, I draw details from four well-known case examples in two emerging economics-India and China-to demonstrate how social entrepreneurs have used HRD and organization development strategies to address societal problems in these two countries. The Stakeholders. Findings of this research will not only benefit HRD professionals and social entrepreneurs but also other stakeholders including central and local government agencies, policy makers, local communities, local business organizations, and the individuals directly affected by societal change. 2012 SAGE Publications.