Coastal prairie uri icon


  • The coastal prairie covers c38 000km2forming a 40-160km-wide band along the semi-arid Texas coast eastwards into the more humid SW Louisiana. The grasslands are mid- to tall-grass prairies, criss-crossed by riparian woodland. Schizachyrium scoparium and Sorghastrum nutans are characteristic species. Comments are made on the physical environment and on historical factors leading to vegetation change. The vegetation of southern mixed forest, post oak savanna, floodplain forest, coastal marshes and thorn shrubland is described before greater detail on the grassland itself, little of which remains in a relatively pristine state. Fauna is mentioned. -P.J.Jarvis

published proceedings

  • Natural grasslands

author list (cited authors)

  • Smeins, F. E., Diamond, D. D., & Hanselka, C. W.

complete list of authors

  • Smeins, FE||Diamond, DD||Hanselka, CW

publication date

  • January 1992