publication venue for
- Force and flowfield measurements to understand unsteady aerodynamics of cycloidal rotors in hover at ultra-low Reynolds numbers. 11:1756829319833677-175682931983367. 2019
- Development of a meso-scale cycloidal-rotor aircraft for micro air vehicle application. 9:218-231. 2017
- Design, development, and flight testing of a high endurance micro quadrotor helicopter. 8:155-169. 2016
- Experimental Investigation of Micro Air Vehicle Scale Helicopter Rotor in Hover. 7:231-255. 2015
- Free Flight Testing and Performance Evaluation of a Passively Morphing Ornithopter. 7:21-40. 2015
- Design, Development, and Flight Test of a Small-Scale Cyclogyro UAV Utilizing a Novel Cam-Based Passive Blade Pitching Mechanism. 5:145-162. 2013