publication venue for
- The Impact of Committee Composition and Agendas on Women's Participation: Evidence from a Legislature with Near Numerical Equality. 13:253-275. 2017
- Just the Facts? Media Coverage of Female and Male High Court Appointees in Five Democracies. 12:254-274. 2016
- Sex, Survival, and Scandal: A Comparison of How Men and Women Exit Presidential Cabinets. 11:665-688. 2015
- The Meaning and Measurement of Women's Interests Introduction. 7:417-418. 2011
- But Now Can See: One Academic's Journey to Feminist Security Studies. 7:586-590. 2011
- What Is the Relationship between Inequity in Family Law and Violence against Women? Approaching the Issue of Legal Enclaves. 7:453-492. 2011