publication venue for
- Assessing the nuclear weapons proliferation risks in nuclear energy newcomer countries: The case of small modular reactors 2024
- Physical protection system vulnerability assessment of a small nuclear research reactor due to TNT-shaped charge impact on its reinforced concrete wall. 54:2135-2146. 2022
- Experimental validation of a nuclear forensics methodology for source reactor-type discrimination of chemically separated plutonium. 51:384-393. 2019
- Computational and experimental forensics characterization of weapons-grade plutonium produced in a thermal neutron environment. 50:820-828. 2018
- A strategic analysis of stationary radiation portal monitors and mobile detection systems in border monitoring. 52:626-632.
- Challenges in nuclear energy adoption: Why nuclear energy newcomer countries put nuclear power programs on hold?. 56:1234-1243.
- Computational study of the Nitrogen-16 source term in the ITER vacuum vessel cooling circuit through the coupling of system-level analysis code and CFD. 56:2990-2998.
- Development of Optimal Material Balance Evaluation (MBE) Strategy for Commercial-Scale Pyroprocessing Facility Using Stochastic Modeling and Simulation Techniques. 103386-103386.
- Evaluation of radiation resistance of an austenitic stainless steel with nanosized carbide precipitates using heavy ion irradiation at 200 dpa. 55:555-565.
- Examination of different socioeconomic factors that contribute to the public acceptance of nuclear energy. 50:767-772.
- Examination of excess electricity generation patterns in South Korea under the renewable initiative for 2030. 54:2883-2897.
- Investigation of activated carbon adsorbent electrode for electrosorption-based uranium extraction from seawater. 47:579-587.
- Investigation of decontamination characteristics of a serial multiple pool scrubber system for consequence mitigation of severe accidents. 54:4585-4600.
- Investigation of neural network-based cathode potential monitoring to support nuclear safeguards of electrorefining in pyroprocessing. 54:644-652.
- Investigation on the effect of eccentricity for fuel disc irradiation tests. 53:1602-1611.
- Multi-objective optimization application for a coupled light water small modular reactor-combined heat and power cycle (cogeneration) systems. 56:1654-1666.
- System modeling-based investigation of SMR operations using variable T-avg control for cost effective electricity generation in a grid. 103304-103304.
- Thermal-hydraulic behavior simulations of the reactor cavity cooling system (RCCS) experimental facility using Flownex. 55:3320-3325.
- Trustworthiness Evaluation of Workers in Critical Facilities using Electroencephalography-based Acquaintance Test. 103257-103257.